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Here Are Some Of The Insights On What Hiring Managers Look For

What does it take to be the perfect candidate?  Is the minimum experience in a certain industry enough?  Or, should you have more?  Depending on the industry, hiring managers look for certain details to your career background that would align correctly with what position is desiring.  For any candidate, making sure you promote yourself correctly is imperative to landing the best job possible.  Here are the top 3 tips for hiring that hiring managers look for that could help you get the job you want:

Resume Hierarchy

-Having a resume is not just enough for getting the right eyes on you.  A resume hierarchy needs to be established so employers see your experience, education, certifications, and experience level in extracurricular activities or programs related to your expertise.  Employers look for this type of structure for the fact that it will tell them that you are organized, especially if they see an organized resume.  Also keep in mind that details for all work experience is highly recommended.  This gives the employer a chance to see exactly what you did, and how it can align with their aspirations for the role at hand.

Self Promotion

-All of the jobs and positions available in the world today are featured on every website and job board possible.  With that being said, all of these places require you to create a profile or submit your resume online.  For example, LinkedIn, requires you to put a proper photo of yourself, work experience, education, and extracurricular activities or skills obtained.  Most employers immediately go to LinkedIn to see who you are and the experience you have gained.  Making sure that these platforms are accurate and correct are vital in the hiring process, and some employer decision making can be made through self promoting platforms like this.

Research The Company Hiring

-Most candidates that apply for a position lack a major aspect of interviewing for a company which is studying the company they are interviewing with.  Getting to know the company you’re interviewing with is major in being able to apply your skills to the company mission and vision.  This also tells the hiring manager that you are prepared and do your due diligence in order to stand out from the crowd.

When applying for any position, make sure that these are all in line with the company you are interviewing for.  For information on whether or not we are hiring, make sure to contact us and inquire about open positions.  We are always looking for talented people to join our team!

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