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There will be little merriment this holiday season after the new interest rate hike today.

Balking the warnings of highly respected analysts and Investors the Feds have done it again.

The continued obliteration of middle-class Americans will be played out over a new battlefield called “holiday sales”.

Today’s 0.75% rate increase marks the Fed’s 4th consecutive historic interest rate hike of this size and 6th rate hike this year with the possibility of 1 more hike before the end of 2022.

These interest hikes have already had a catastrophic impact on the economy.  The major indices are down double digits as of October 31st, 2022 :

  • Dow Jones -10.5%
  • S&P 500: – 30.39%
  • Nasdaq: -19.3%

Continuing interest rate hikes are aimed at disabling the spending power of Americans and inflation is devaluing every dollar you spend month after month. If you had $100,000 in savings 1 year ago, today it is valued at less than $90,000 with adjustments.

Jerome Powell continues to hit Americans where it hurts and at the time it will hurt the most. Most of his peers believe that the Fed Chairman has lost the fight against inflation already heading toward a recession.

Inaction a year ago and the delusion that inflation is transitory”, is bringing the U.S. to its knees and placing the head of the economy in the guillotine.

Americans are currently in a place of uncertainty, many of the broken promises made during the last election have been exposed. “Build Back Better” has made some in Washington very rich while the crumbs are thrown out to an exhausted and frustrated population.

The U.S. has amassed a staggering $31,000,000,000,000 in debt and the Feds have printed more than $7,000,000,000,000 in the last 2 and half years alone

Wasteful spending and a lack of checks and balances with Taxpayer’s money means that we are paying heavily for their mistakes daily.

As families plan Thanksgiving, Holiday celebrations, and travel, they will pay the highest prices for travel, gas, and energy costs during the beginning of the cold winter season.

Exxon, Shell, and Chevron are all celebrating their historic profits at the expense of Americans, while the grocery stores are announcing massive profits. Where do we fit into this massive rip-off?

Housing prices are falling and the real estate economy is flipping to ready itself from more foreclosures as many people fall behind on mortgage payments to make ends meet.

“They’re going to have to lower rates because the economy will crumble,” Billionaire Barry Sternlicht warned. “Who would run a business like this?”

As a result, your conventional assets and portfolio retirement accounts, are going to be further devalued, and more severe losses in stocks, bonds, and real estate are to be expected.

Americans need to act today to avoid the coming economic hurricane while there is still time. Taking your future back is more important than ever as savings erode.

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